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Great Deals Today

January 4th, 2008 at 02:47 am

We were running low on snacks and other such food products today, but instead of going to the grocery store I decided to check out CVS, Walgreens, and the like.

CVS was it. They actually sell a lot of different food products and if you have a CVS card you can save a significant amount of money, plus get "Extra Bucks" in return.

I also found a coupon on their website: $4 off a $20 or more purchase.
I combined the coupon with only sale items and here were the results:

1. 2 boxes of brand name cereal $5 - saved $3.58

2. 2 boxes cereal bars $5 - saved $1.98

3. 2 boxes fruit snacks $5 - saved $0.98

4. 2 cans cranberry sauce $0.64 - saved $1.94

5. 2 cans of pringles $1.76 - saved $1.82

6. 1 box cheese crackers $1.99 - saved $0

Total saved (+ coupon) = $14.30

I also received more coupons to use for my next visit at CVS.

Walgreens also has hundreds of store coupons you can find on their website, which can be combined with sales.

Happy Shopping!

1 Responses to “Great Deals Today”

  1. flinnie Says:

    Combine... coupon and sale is the only way I shop.
    You found some great deals.Way to go.Great mine think a

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