Home > Plugging away...

Plugging away...

January 3rd, 2008 at 04:40 am

I've made some small improvements in my daily routine, which will keep me on the track toward my financial goals:

1. Sold a book a and made $3.78 after commissions. Hopefully the rest will sell as well.

2. Made lunch for me and my fiance two days in row - which is saving us $15-$20.

3. Also made dinner at home for two days in a row - this can be challenging as we are both busy and get home around 7 PM every night.

4. I'll be starting some graduate classes next week, though I am still trying to get the student loan/tuition thing settled. I'm excited to get started, and hoping I won't be stretched to thin.

Tomorrow = gym at 5 AM. Wish me luck!

- Cheers

2 Responses to “Plugging away...”

  1. baselle Says:

    Good luck!

  2. luxliving Says:

    Good luck and on #3 - think crockpot.

    Hope your loans work out the way you'd like.

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