Home > Making some extra $

Making some extra $

January 1st, 2008 at 04:28 pm

I began to de-clutter my office today, and I started with text books I have been carrying around since my undergraduate days.

I kept almost every book at the time, as I thought I would surely need them again someday. But, three years later and I have never looked at most of them.

So, I listed them on and I hope to make a few extra $ to pad the wedding fund. Though not extremely lucrative, every penny will help.

My next task is to de-clutter the cds and dvds (probably to my fiance's dismay) and sell them as well.

- Cheers!

1 Responses to “Making some extra $”

  1. collegemomma Says:

    I need to do some of that as well. Good luck on your sales!

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